Sunday, 26 September 2010

32 mile bike ride

So having survived the weekend so far, Sunday was a 5.30am start for my bike and me.  I drove into town for the Boston Hub ride.  Closed roads (mostly), great weather and lots of friendly cycling type people.

My little bike needed some half time repairs and the nice people from Landrys sorted it out for me.

I survived the 32 miles of cycling only to lose my car in the multi story.  Car was eventually found and I made it home to do the mountains of school work I have been putting off all weekend. Week 3 here I come. 

Treasure Hunt


So after the fun, frolics and laundry basket of Friday night we all trundled into the Centre of Boston for a treasure hunt around the city. Madhu and I were team captains and we dragged our teams around town trying to collect clues and take photos.

Pleased to report Team 2 won! Yay us.
Team 2 - WINNERS

Some of us enjoyed a carousel ride


We wrapped up the evening with another super large meal...
This is a starter!

Jojo’s flirty at 30!!

Well the lovely Jojo turned 30 on Friday.  We celebrated with a pre-emptive strike on Thursday night at Rogers Pub on Campus.  Nibbles and Sandrine managed to take over the DJ booth and our Team dancers took to the dance floor for 5 hours  solid.

The Babson Beaver - enjoying a birthday drink with Jojo

We all survived Rogers Pub, although I am not sure the pub wants us back, and we even made it to class on Friday morning. We spent Friday morning on a guided Wandering through Latin America. Burger Boy had another burger for lunch...

In the afternnon Dr Ralph Z Sorrenson spoke about Angel investing and what he looks for – note it’s all about the people.  He’s also on the board of Whole Foods!

Friday night and it was time to celebrate Jojo’s birthday Mexican stylee.  We had a piƱata, some fab food whipped up by Nibbles and Sandrine, and just a few drops of tequila!

TB in action mode
No idea what we were laughing at but it was obviously funny

Nibbles hard a work