I have a lot of excuses for not blogging - none of them particularly convincing apart from these 2 -
1) Not doing very much....
2) Left camera battery charger in Orkney
I have started to rectify number 1-
I went on a hike last weekend with a hiking group. THe paths were still very icy which added to the excitement. Didn't fall over so that was quite a relief.
Have signed up with a personal trainer and joined a gym
Saw The Kings Speech - awesome (Gareth - you were cheated at the Golden Globes!)
Went into hip and happening downtown Raleigh last night,
- found dress shop with a bar in it, met a guy who works for a golf ball company (MacD very pleased), found an oyster bar and ate a 1/2 peck (seriously that's what it was called) of steamed oysters
But no photographic evidence of anything due to excuse number 2.
Hopefully the battery charger will arrive this week. (Thanks boo boo)